Friday, April 22, 2011

Garden Parts: The Island

I've been in this house for close to ten months and I still haven't gotten a garden plan down on paper.  The yard is too big and there are too many plants for me to document everything all at once.  I decided I'll just do it piece by piece, starting with "the island".

The island sits in the middle of the front yard and hides our well.  It is made up of three Japanese holly (ilex crenata, variety undetermined) on the left and three azaleas (I think...variety also undetermined) on the right.  There are a few bulbs that are coming up around the bed and I think I found Virginia bluebells behind the holly bushes.  Pretty plain, but the shrubs are evergreen and it looks like the azalea is about to flower and...

Oh wait...


I forgot about those.  There are also two boxwoods (buxus, species undetermined) on the far right. 

We're watching you!
On one hand, the shrubs were spaced appropriately.  Often, you see shrubs this size placed fairly close together.  It looks better at first, but the bushes end up being crowded.  Also -- I like boxwood.  I think they have pleasing habit and can look really nice in the right setting.

This is not the right setting. 

There is a reason garden designers tell you to plant shrubs in odd numbers (the exception is formal foundation plantings, where you would an equal number of plants on each side of an entrance or window).  If you look carefully above, you can see there is a third shrub!  I thought it was some sort of crape myrtle, but I need to do more investigation.  Even though there are three shrubs, since only two are evergreen, this "design" still looks pretty strange.

While this doesn't look strange at all...

I need to find something better than mspaint, because the plan I came up with looks vaguely medical and a little disturbing.

Basically, I want to make the bed a little bigger.  I want to make it curvier: kidney shaped rather than oblong.  I want to remove the boxwoods and mystery bush.  I want to add one largish tree (the pink one, most likely a redbud of some sort) and two smaller trees (I'm leaning towards serviceberries).  Although the plan doesn't show it, I would then add some perennials in front of the japanese holly and azaleas.  Of the top of my head, I'm thinking heuchera, since the red or chartreuse varieties would really pop in front of the solid green of the bushes.  I'd also plant more bulbs and might try to put hostas* under the trees.

Right now, redesigning this bed is my number one priority.  It's in front of our house and I cringe every time I look at those two boxwoods.

What would you do to change this bed?  Do you have any suggestions for trees/perennials?

*I still don't have a great idea of how well hostas last in our deer infested neighborhood.  I love hostas, but I need to be realistic about whether I'd be able to stay on top of spraying them.

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