Monday, May 16, 2011

Look what I found: Allium bulgaricum

(Edited to add: it looks like the botanical name has changed and this is now Nectaroscordum siculum var. bulgaricum.)

Also known as Sicilian Honey Lily or Mediterranean Bells.

As this was coming up, I thought it was an Allium of some sort, but I was expecting one of the purple pom-pom types.  I really enjoy the purple pom-poms, but I think this is even better.  There are three total, but only two have blooms.  The delicate combination of pinky-mauve and green on the flowers reminds me of my favorite Lenten rose.

Unfortunately, these plants are in a bed that will soon be gone.  It looks like the bed was originally shade plants and bulbs in between two trees.  Before we moved in, one of those trees was removed (although some of the stump still remains), which made the bed a lot more sunny.  I'm not sure if some plants died in the sun or were damaged when the tree was removed, but when we bought the house, it was obvious that some annuals were plunked down so the spot wasn't just bare mulch. 

The remaining tree is dying so we'll have to have it removed.  Instead of putting a new sun bed in the same spot, I think we're just going to try to grow grass*.  We've dug up most of what was in there (ferns, vinca major, bugleweed, and a tiny azalea).  I'll need to remember to dig up these bulbs as soon they're done blooming.  There are some other bulbs that came up earlier in the spring (galanthus and scilla) that I need to pull up as well.

I just need to figure out where to put them...

*I know - we're awful people.

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome Becky. I love your new header and reading your blog!
